Sunday, November 1, 2015

Copy Master Painter Artworks

For your next assignment select a painting of a master painter you would like to copy. You may want to do research first to find an artist you like. Perhaps you already have a favorite artist; in that case all you would need to do then is to select one of their works of art to duplicate.

From the very beginning of time artists have used the technique of coping masters to perfect their craft. Strive for the same rhythm you might imagine the artist was working in. In addition aim for a similar composition, colors and brush size they used as well.

If you plan to use the overhead projector, do start with an image that is no bigger than 6-7” in width and height to start. The projector can then be used to fit the size of your canvas.

If you are uncertain about the image to copy, you may want to select two of them and then ask me to help you pick out the best one for this assignment.

You will have two weeks to complete this painting depending on its complexity.

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