Genre and Genres: Genre painting
is the depiction of subjects and scenes from everyday life,
ordinary folk and common activities. It achieved its greatest popularity in
seventeenth century Holland (the Netherlands) with the works of Jan Steen
(1626-1679) and Jan Vermeer (1632-1675).
When used
in the plural form, genres are the various categories of subject matter in the traditional academic hierarchy, in descending order of
importance: history, megalography, mythology,
religion, portraiture, genre (see the first sense
above), landscape, still
life, rhopography, and vernacular.
glossary definition for medium: Can refer to both to the type of art (painting,
sculpture and printmaking) as well as the materials are made from.
Height x Width of artwork is described
Critique Assignment:
Monday we will have a Critique of the Copy of Master Painting.
In that presentation of your artwork, each student is to indicate the name of
the Artist they have selected to copy. Present a printed out copy the
artwork they copied. If appropriate, state the school of painting that
the master artist belonged to. For example, if it is a copy of a Monet you would
say he belonged to the “Impressionists”.
In your presentation
please talk about the type of genre the artwork belongs to, for example does it
belong to landscape, still life, and so forth.
Also talk about some of
the challenges that you experienced in creating your painting as well.