Sunday, November 15, 2015

Critique for Monday

Genre and Genres: Genre painting is the depiction of subjects and scenes from everyday life, ordinary folk and common activities. It achieved its greatest popularity in seventeenth century Holland (the Netherlands) with the works of Jan Steen (1626-1679) and Jan Vermeer (1632-1675).
When used in the plural form, genres are the various categories of subject matter in the traditional academic hierarchy, in descending order of importance: history, megalography, mythology, religion, portraiture, genre (see the first sense above), landscape, still life, rhopography, and vernacular.
Tate glossary definition for medium: Can refer to both to the type of art (painting, sculpture and printmaking) as well as the materials are made from.

Height x Width of artwork is described

Critique Assignment:

Monday we will have a Critique of the Copy of Master Painting. In that presentation of your artwork, each student is to indicate the name of the Artist they have selected to copy. Present a printed out copy the artwork they copied. If appropriate, state the school of painting that the master artist belonged to. For example, if it is a copy of a Monet you would say he belonged to the “Impressionists”.

In your presentation please talk about the type of genre the artwork belongs to, for example does it belong to landscape, still life, and so forth.

Also talk about some of the challenges that you experienced in creating your painting as well.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Copy Master Painter Artworks

For your next assignment select a painting of a master painter you would like to copy. You may want to do research first to find an artist you like. Perhaps you already have a favorite artist; in that case all you would need to do then is to select one of their works of art to duplicate.

From the very beginning of time artists have used the technique of coping masters to perfect their craft. Strive for the same rhythm you might imagine the artist was working in. In addition aim for a similar composition, colors and brush size they used as well.

If you plan to use the overhead projector, do start with an image that is no bigger than 6-7” in width and height to start. The projector can then be used to fit the size of your canvas.

If you are uncertain about the image to copy, you may want to select two of them and then ask me to help you pick out the best one for this assignment.

You will have two weeks to complete this painting depending on its complexity.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Contrast Painting Assignment

For your next assignment, I would like you to think in terms of making a painting where your main concern is to work with the concept of “Contrast”. This is of course in addition continuing to use the medium of acrylic paint on canvas.

Contrast is a principle of art. When defining it, art experts refer to the arrangement of opposite elements when designing a work of art. A few examples would be:

• Light vs. Dark colors
• Opaque vs. Transparent
• Rough vs. Smooth textures
• Large vs. Small shapes
• Two Different Complementary Colors
            (Green vs. Red and so forth)
• Horizontal vs. Vertical
• Warm vs. Cool
• Color (hue and purity)
            (Black & White vs. Color)
            (Dark Blue vs. Light Blue
You may also think in terms of intellectual (conceptual)
·       Man vs. Machine
·       Love vs. Hate
·       Dumb vs. Smart
·       Poor vs. Wealthy
You may want to work with a photo or combination of photos for this project or even a couple of thumbnail sketches.

The project will be due in a week and a half. I will go over this assignment in class tomorrow. However it will also be posted on the blog for the class and I will also give you a hard copy of the assignment tomorrow as well. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions as to the assignment.

Also, please bring your last painting to class tomorrow as well.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Acrylic paints
Fall 2015 Syllabus and Supply List

Classes meet twelve weeks (September 21 – December 11)
Holidays: Veterans Day (Monday, November 9) and Thanksgiving (Thursday, November 26 through Sunday November 29)

Arts-015 A, B, And C     Acrylic Painting      12:30 PM -3:15     Classroom A52

Room A93 Blog Address:
Email: alliebarbara@fhda@edu Phone: 408.864.8999 ex 3524
Final Exam: Wednesday 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
I will be available for “office hour” each Wednesday online between 5:00PM – 6:00PM

This class is a fundamental course exploring the visual arts with a focus on Acrylic Painting.
It will present various fundamental principles; theory and practices related to the creation of acrylic painting, and by way of in-class and homework assignments. Combining theoretical elements and practical experience in the use of this medium, students will explore their own creative talents and get in touch with their own unique voice.

There will be approximately 1 project every week, with lecture/discussion at the beginning of class. At the beginning of class I will have a few small in-class assignments as well. There will be no makeup exams or assignments. That is unless a student has a written medical excuse from a medical provider. If a student does not have a written medical excuse, the student will receive a zero for the missed exam or assignment.

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the terminology, tools, and techniques used when creating color in various creative projects. 
2. Explain basic art concepts when making art projects.
3. Plan and produce effective artwork

Materials for the class may be found at the De Anza Bookstore.
Acrylics (Purple Series) (Barron's Art Handbooks)
                        Series: Barron's Art Handbooks
                        Hardcover: 96 pages
                        Publisher: Barron's Educational Series (August 1, 1997)
                        Language: English
                        ISBN-10: 0764150111
                        ISBN-13: 978-0764150111
                        Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.3 x 8.9 inches

Your earned grade will depend on the effort you put into class participation, assignments, quizzes, and your final project. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the designated date. Grades for late assignments and projects will be lowered the equivalent of one letter grade and will not be accepted more than one week late. All written work should be typed, spell-checked, and proofread before it is submitted. 

   Assessment of student’s ability to solve creative color problems
   Projects that demonstrate an understanding of various elements and principles of acrylic paint theory
   Portfolio of all course work.
   Growth! Are you improving and developing new ideas and skills?
   Final project (to be discussed at length toward the end of the quarter).
   Failure to submit assignments or late submissions
   Effort, neatness, professional appearance, working diligently and with focus  
   Punctuality and handing in all required work on time.
   Class participation: sharing ideas in class discussions and critiques, alertness, following instructions, being respectful, and cooperative in the class.
   Points will be deducted if you fail to bring required items to class. 
Point system: 
1,000 possible points
Knowledge of color as it applies to Acrylic Paint = 150 points
Class Projects= 500 point
Final Project= 200 points 
Test = 100 points (the tests may be written or a special paint assignments)
Class Participation = 150 points.  Points will be deducted (25 points deducted for leaving class early and tardiness.) 
Your earned grade will depend on the effort you put into ss participation, assignments, quizzes, and your final project. Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the designated date.

1000 points – 800 = A
800   points – 600 = B
600   points – 500 = C
500   points – 400 = D
400   points – 200 = F

FINAL PROJECT (It is mandatory that you be in attendance during the final day – no exceptions) There will be no makeup exams.
Students are to be in class to present examples of their assignments created during the semester. I will discuss this presentation in more detail as the final draws near. 

All assignments will be discussed at length in class and appropriate material related to all assignments will be supplied as the class proceeds. There will be no makeup assignments if a student does not have a written medical excuse, the student will receive a zero for the missed assignment.

Participation grades will be determined by 1) the quality and quantity of class exercises and course activities completed, and 2) participation in class. Lab time during class periods is limited and all students are expected to spend additional time working in the lab to complete the course assignments and the final project.


Recommended TEXTBOOK: "Color" by Betty Edwards

Supplies and Text will be available at the DeAnza Bookstore

Golden Cad Red Light Acrylic

Golden Cad Yellow Primrose Acrylic

Golden Hansa Yellow Light Acrylic 

Golden Hansa Yellow Medium Acrylic 
Golden Naphthol Red Light Acrylic 

Golden Phtalo Blue Grn Shade Acrylic 
Golden Phtalo Green Blue Shade Acrylic 
Golden Quinac Magenta Acrylic 

Golden Titanium White Acrylic 

Golden Ultramarine Blue Acrylic 

Golden Yellow Ochre Acrylic 

Golden Hist Aliz Crim Hue Acrylic 

Golden Hist Mang Blue Hue Acrylic 

Golden Hist Sap Green Hue Acrylic 

Golden Hist Vandyke Brown Hue Acrylic 
Golden Open Thinner 1 oz

Liquitex Gloss Medium

Liquitex Matte Medium

White Taklon Brush round #2

White Taklon Brush Filbert #2

Winsor Brush Flat #14

Canson Disposible Palette 12x16

Canson Canvas Pad 12x16 

Spray Bottle

Trowel Painting Knife #2

Masters Premeier Sta Wet Palette
